Newborn Arya

Newborn Arya
My little flower

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

3 Years Ago We Celebrated You

Dear Arya,

Today marks three years since Mommy and Daddy celebrated your upcoming arrival at a Baby Shower. Attendees tried guessing what you would look like and when you would be born. We also had a table set up for people to design bibs and onesies for you. All in all we had a great time.

To commemorate the occasion, we also had a special surprise for two of your grandmothers. They were so excited! Here is a video of their reaction:

Today, it is hard to imagine what life used to be like before you were here. You continue to bring so much joy in our lives. I find that I learn as much from you as you do from me. May be continue to always learn from and love one another no matter where life leads.

With all my love,

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Playing Catch Up

Dear Arya,

It has been too long (over 8 months!) since I last wrote you a letter. Life sure flies by when you are the parent of a toddler. So much has happened in that span of time. So let's catch up!:

~In honor of your turning 2 this past January, Daddy and I signed you up for gymnastics classes at The Little Gym on Lincoln Avenue in Chicago from January 30th - June 12th, 2015. This was always a major highlight of your week. You got to practice new techniques and games, socialize with other kids your age on a regular basis, and have a ton of fun.

A photo posted by Kaleena (@kaleenarheeya) on

A photo posted by Kaleena (@kaleenarheeya) on

~We have had an adventure filled Summer with a trip to see your grandparents in Northern Wisconsin, numerous outings to zoos and local museums, a few trips to local parks, and lots of other random outings. You are always a joy to take out as you greet just about everyone and are in high spirits. I am hoping to keep the momentum going this Fall with additional outings and possibly traveling some more as well.

~You discharged from speech therapy as of September 1st, 2015...just a little under a year after you began. We will all miss your speech therapist dearly as you had a wonderful relationship with her and because she was a really nice person. We all worked together to help foster your language skills.

~Speaking of language, your language acquisition is exploding. You are:

Learning new words every day,
Showing a passion for reading,
Building a large repertoire of children's songs to recall from memory,
Creating your own song lyrics to familiar tunes,
Know how to count from 1-10 and can count from 11-20 with some assistance,
And can recognize 25 out of 26 letters of the alphabet. (You'll have Q down before you know it!)

~Other new activities of enjoyment: cleaning up after playtime and other activities, drawing/coloring, playing with your stuffed animals, giving hugs and kisses, and copying Mommy. Sometimes I feel like you are my little shadow. I feel humbled by your love. Daddy reminds me on a constant basis that I need to enjoy this time with you since you most likely will grow out of it someday. 

Life lesson: Appreciate the everyday moments. They pass quickly and are often taken for advantage. These past couple years have flown by and you've truly grown by leaps and bounds during that time. I look back at some many moments with a sad fondness. Sad because they are over, but fondly because they are wonderful memories with you. You may not understand that now since you are always living in the moment. However, someday, when you are a little older, you will.

Blessed and Humbled by You Always,
Your Loving Mommy

Sunday, January 4, 2015

23 Days of Celebration- Day 4

Dear Arya,

You are an extremely sweet and affectionate child. Although you do have a shy side, you are a great distributor of hugs and kisses to those you feel comfortable with. Your affection puts smiles on many people's faces and brings delight to all. I hope that you continue to share this affection with family and others you care about throughout your life. I know Daddy and I both love seeing this side of you. You really started to share kisses with others around end of month 19/beginning of month 20. Here is a video of you kissing Daddy.

20 months-
A video posted by Kaleena (@kaleenarheeya) on


Saturday, January 3, 2015

23 Days of Celebration- Day 3

Dear Arya,

You are a free spirit at heart, just like Mommy. You also have boundless charisma. May you never rein either of these in. Always be true to who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks. Those who truly cherish you will stick by your side through thick and thin.

21 Months-


Friday, January 2, 2015

23 Days of Celebration-Day 2

Dear Arya,

You are constantly picking up new things every day. Back during your 22nd month, you really started to pick up new words (Your first official word was "Hi!," which you love to say often to everyone you see.) It is a joy to see you bloom in this area. I have to admit I have cried a few times when I have seen that you learned another new thing. Below is a video of you showing that you know how to say "down" and "bye."

A snapshot of some other things you know:

~The numbers 1-10
~The melody for "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "A, B, C's," and "e-i-e-i-o" from "Old McDonald"
~Flying kisses, actual kisses, and wonderful hugs
~How to say "kitty," "doggy," "Mom," "Dada," "why," "what," "more" and "all done"
~ Sign for "want," "all done," "more," "milk," "open," and "eat"

There are other words and actions I am sure I am missing. May your joy of learning continue throughout your life.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!

Dear Arya,

Happy new year! We have seen you grow so much these past 23 months. It is exciting to know that in a little over three weeks you will be turning two years old! You continue to be a bright spot in our lives, bringing smiles to all who know you. You are the sweetest and most endearing toddler I know.

In honor of your turning two on the 23rd, I have decided to post a video or two each day showcasing moments from month 23 to when you were just born. Please enjoy these brief glimpses into your early months.

23 Months-

Video 1 (Filmed January 1st, 2015): You have Mommy's creative spirit. In this video you are dancing to the theme song of one of Daddy's favorite shows. Your dancing is infectious. I hope we are able to help you cultivate all your creative interests as you age. We were even lucky to catch you singing on film.
